it poured this morning. came down real hard. it's strange how quickly everything perks up after one good rain.i've been feeling a little funky lately. i can't put my finger on it. can't even tell whether it's good or not. very restless. it's so classic but i want to cut my hair. perhaps i'm just looking to change things up a bit. everything has been pretty stagnant these past few years.
my roommate just stumbled out the door, heading to sonic. that girl is strange. a 20 year old rebel without a cause, and without friends to be rebellious with. i do worry about her, but not enough to try to help. she reminds me of dan four years ago, granted he was 15.. but still. i used to find him in the middle of the day sleeping on a bench in a public park, or would spend hours trying to wake him up outside of his apartment.
i want new music. a new look. a new friend. a new house. something. everything.
it's too late baby.
to bed.